Wednesday 27 September 2017

quick write

Quick Write Number One - The Beekeeper


For the next two weeks we are going to work on ‘Quick Writes.’  This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10mins to write as much as possible using this writing prompt.

For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.

The purpose of this is to practise writing fluently.

When we look at our writing prompt we will have about 10-15 mins to discuss it and brainstorm some ideas and vocabulary.   

Our learning goals are to:
-write a description, using powerful words and phrases
-include some Te Reo Māori
-carefully check that our sentences make sense and have correct punctuation and spelling.

When we are writing we need to think about…

  1. What do I want my reader to see?
2) What do I want my reader to hear?
3) What do I want my reader to smell?
-look closely at the picture or video
-think about the three key questions and the learning goals
-give yourself time to plan and write

Do your writing here

I   love bees do you?  I love the honey they make. Do you  know how the beekeeper gets  the honi aka (honey)? Well I will tell you.
Step 1 the beekeeper goes to the hive with the bees in and smokes them to make them sleepy so he won't get stung.
Step 2 he pulls out the frame which still has some bees on but they are asleep so they won’t sting.

Step 3 scrape the honey off into a container then the bees wake up just in time for the end of the process.    click here for some honey good facts       


  1. I like how your piece of writing is interactive Daniel. I also like how you have sequenced your idea in order!! Wasn't it great seeing our own family beekeeper, Gramps, last night. I love watching you and Gramps talk together about all sorts of things. I hope we get some more honey from Gramps soon :) Keep up the writing Dan XXX

  2. PS: some feed forward to think about: what are some delicious adjectives you could add to your honey writing? What does it smell like, taste like, look like and feel like? X


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